The Dwarf planets


The Dwarf planets are a very little objects denominated planets but they can be detected with a big telescope, some of this are part of some diagrams of the solar system . Others dont have name .  
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CERES : Ceres is the biggest object in the solar system , and is denominated a planet because its size , but this planet does not have atmosphere like all the dwarf planets . This planet is in a high probability to be impacted by an asteroid .   

Pluto : The planet pluto is the biggest of all the dwarf planets , it is on the outer part of the solar system , and in some diagrams appears on the main solar system , this planet is a dwarf planet because the Jupiter main gravity disturbs this planet , making a diagonal orbit , this planet is very cold and sometimes is closer to the sun than Neptune . Was dicoverd by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 .      

Charon : Charon is the moon of pluto but is determined a dwarf planet bacause is the biggest moon respect the size of the planet becuase the size of Charon is the half of Pluto .   
Eris : Eris is the second biggest planet is based on many ice and rock and has a chance of having life , but this planet is too far for having life because the planet is in the whole outside of the solar system , even further to the sun than Pluto , so any chance of life has be adapted or can be freezed ! Also Eris is known as the planet X .  
Haumea : Haumea is an irregular planet or a type of asteroid , because , it shape makes it the rarest dwarf planet , also this planet has no atmosphere and is converts it ( almost ) in a non-gravity planet . ( It has a little gravity ) . It was found by michael Brown is 2003 . The irregular shape is also known because it fast rotation .  
Makemake: Makemake is a common planet except about its size , its size is like the Eris planet , Makemake is like mars because its color , because this planet is also red , ( is made of rocks ) . It was another planet discovered by a team of Michael Brown is 2005 . 
Dysnomia: This a tiny planet , is very small and even the country of U.S.A is bigger than Dysinomia , but if the sun is 1000 times bigger than jupiter , jupiter 300 times bigger than earth and earth like 10 times bigger than pluto , and pluto like 10 times bigger than Dysnomia , can you imagine how small can be ? Its so small that is the moon of Eris .
Namaka: Is the moon of Haumea and is as tiny as Dysnomia also this planet/moon is in colision with Haumea and is very cold and also is  like an asteroid but this planet is regular .

Hi´taka: Is another moon of Haumea and it is  like a twin of Namaka both planet orbit the same planet , both planets are composed if rock and both planets are freezed .

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