Space Exploration

The space and beyond  Space exploring

The space is a unknown place , because we just know the 4 % ... Yes the 4 % and in a possible future we are going to continue exploring far away , but the  humans were in space before ? 

Resultado de imagen para laika muerta
Resultado de imagen para vostok 1 
Then the space race between sovietic union and the USA  started . 
The answer is yes , the first astronaut in 1961 ( an astronaut is a human that explores the space ) Yuri Gagarin ( technically a cosmonaut because a cosmonaut is a sovietic astronaut ) (actually that cosmonauts are " extinct " ) . and he used a rocket called  Vostok 1   that flew through the space for many hours  , but the first living thing was Laika , a dog that was sended ,but few hours later she died in space . 

Resultado de imagen para año tragedia del apolo 13 pelicula

Then in 1961 the USA president John F Kennedy made a speech of going to the moon in the 1960`s , and then the NASA (National aeronautics and space and administration) started sending unmanned crafts to the  moon and tripulated crafts to practice , but in 1963 the President was killed but the program continued . 
Resultado de imagen para apollo11

8 Years had to pass for making true the president speech when NASA used the apollo 11 to send three astronaut to the moon . They continued sending many apolo missions , but in the 1972 the biggest tragedy in space was apollo 13 astronauts got an oxygen problem and couldnt land on the moon , safely they came back to earth 

Then after many years , the space shuttles were invented , they were based on going to the space and explore , also repair problems and make trans missions , but in the start of the shuttles the shuttles had problems , and especially in 1986 when 7 astronauts died in the challnger shuttle because a structure problem , which make us back in 1967 in which apolo 1 fired on with the astronauts inside. The astronauts died making a almost impossible mission to the moon . After that , NASA started to use the actual technology , sending robots to the solar system and make unnmanned crafts to other glaxies and and using very much technology . Actually the NASA is thinking of sending astronauts in 2030 , but that is not confirmed yet .  

 Resultado de imagen para challenger explosion gif 

Space exploring summary 

1957 : The sputnik 1 lunches laika to space 
1961 :  The first astronaut in space .
1967 : Apollo 1 tragedy 
1961 : First astronaut in the moon .
1972 : NASA biggest tragedy apollo 13
1979 : The first space shuttles
1980 :  Firsts rovers at mars
2000: The international space station is created
2024: Artemis- NASA goes to the moon
2030 : Possible going to mars

Resultado de imagen para space explorations historyResultado de imagen para humans in mars  

