The Periodic Table
THE PERIODIC TABLE The Periodic Table is a diagram (not a table), in which all the known materials are. In the Periodic Table you can find the 118 known materials. These materials make the matter of all the universe. Each material has an specific order,because each material can be ordered by the number of protons or electrons (in a neutral atom). Ex: Hydrogen has 1 atom so it is the element number 1. Each material is made of: The NUCLEUS The nucleus of an atom is made of Protons and Neutrons. T he p roton is a subatomic particle with a positive elementary electric charge 1, equal in absolute value and opposite sign to that of the electron, and a mass 1836 times greater than that of an electron. The neutron is a subatomic particle, a nucleon, without net charge, present in the atomic nucleus of virtually all atoms, except the protium. Although it is said that the neutron has no charge, it is actually compo...